5 Letter Words Starting With S and Ending With T
There are many 5 letter words that start with S and end with T. Here is a comprehensive list of such words along with definitions and sample sentences.
List of 5 Letter Words Starting With S and Ending With T
- Spurt – a sudden forceful flow
The leaking pipe let out a spurt of water.
- Stent – a small tube inserted into an artery
The doctor placed a stent in the blocked coronary artery.
- Stept – past tense of step
He stept gingerly onto the frozen pond.
- Stint – a period of time spent doing something
She did a stint with the Peace Corps in South America.
- Stoat – a small mammal related to ferrets
The stoat’s fur turns white in winter.
- Stunt – an action displaying skill and daring
The motorcycle stunt rider jumped over 10 cars.
- Sturt – a desert bird with long legs
The sturt stalked its prey slowly in the Outback.
Tips for Guessing 5 Letter Words Starting With S and Ending With T in Word Games
Here are some tips for guessing words that fit the pattern “5 letters starting with S and ending with T” when playing word games:
- Focus on common words that are likely to be included rather than obscure words. For example, “spurt” is much more common than “sturt”.
- Try to think of words associated with sports or action like “sprint” or “stunt” since many 5 letter words starting with S relate to motion or speed.
- Eliminate plurals ending in S like “boosts” or “coasts” since you need the word to end in T.
- Don’t just think of verbs. Also consider nouns like “stent” or “stoat”.
- Use mnemonics or memory tricks to jog your brain. For example, “STent helps blood SquirT”.