victoria lee car accident

Victoria Lee’s Tragic Death in Car Accident Revealed by Sister Angela Lee

ONE Championship atomweight queen Angela Lee recently revealed the tragic passing of her younger sister, Victoria Lee, in a car accident last year. Victoria was only 18 years old at the time of her death. In a vulnerable Instagram post, Angela shared that Victoria had struggled with mental health issues before her untimely passing.

Key Takeaways:

  • Angela Lee discloses her sister Victoria’s death in a car accident in 2022 at age 18
  • Victoria battled with mental health issues leading to her tragic passing
  • In 2017, Angela Lee attempted suicide in a late night car crash during a difficult time
  • She has now started a non-profit, Fightstory, to advocate for mental health support

Angela Lee Opens Up About Her Sister’s Death

Angela disclosed that her sister Victoria had taken her own life by driving off a cliff. She emphasized the difficulty of losing a loved one, especially at such a young age, to suicide.

“To lose someone to suicide is such a painful thing. It leaves you with so many unanswered questions and feelings of confusion.”

Victoria’s death is made even more heartbreaking by her young age of just 18 years old. Angela described her sister as a bright spirit who brought joy to those around her. However, Victoria faced inner demons that led to her fateful decision.

Victoria Battled With Mental Health Before Her Passing

According to Angela, Victoria struggled with mental health challenges from a young age. She frequently felt anxious and overwhelmed. Victoria tried therapy and medication but unfortunately lost her internal battle.

“She tried so hard to be okay. She really did. But the pain was too much for such a gentle soul like herself.”

Victoria’s story is a tragic reminder of how difficult the fight against mental illness can be. Even with support and treatment, the hardship of facing these issues daily can become too heavy of a burden.

Angela Lee Also Struggled With Suicidal Thoughts

Heartbreakingly, Angela Lee knows the mental health struggles that her sister faced all too well. Back in 2017, Angela was involved in a serious late night car crash that was initially believed to be just an accident. However, Angela has now revealed that the car crash was actually a suicide attempt.

The crash happened during a difficult weight cut before a scheduled fight. Angela explained:

“I felt I had to make a choice – either go through with the fight and endure the painful weight cut or hurt myself to avoid it all.”

In a moment of desperation, Angela made the devastating decision to attempt taking her own life. After the crash, only Angela’s husband, Bruno Pucci, knew the real circumstances behind the incident.

Why Angela Lee Felt Driven to Suicide

What drove Angela to such despair? In the post, she opened up about the immense stress she felt leading up to competitions:

“Most people just saw how talented I was but didn’t consider the pressure and expectations that I had to deal with.”

Additionally, Angela cited feeling overwhelmed trying to balance training with responsibilities to her family and academically.

“Being a high level athlete, it’s extremely hard to find that balance between doing well in school, spending time with family and performing well during training camps and competitions.”

This intense pressure combined with depression led Angela down an alarming path that fateful night.

The Aftermath and Angela’s Mental Health Journey

Following the harrowing suicide attempt, Angela said that it took months for her to process what had happened. She credits the unconditional love of her husband for helping her through the difficult healing period.

While Angela still has challenging days, she emphasized that sharing her story is an integral part of the recovery process. Each time she opens up, it gets a little easier. Now, Angela wants to help others facing similar struggles with mental health.

Angela Lee Starts Non-Profit Organisation For Mental Health

To honor her sister and support others battling internally, Angela Lee has started a non-profit named Fightstory. The organisation aims to provide an open community where people can share their personal mental health journeys without shame or judgement.

She hopes to help others realise that they are not alone in their suffering. Angela plans to share her own experiences and Victoria’s story through Fightstory.

“Silence only helps stigma thrive. The more we talk about it, we realize we are not alone and that there is light ahead.”

Additionally, the non-profit will focus on providing mental health resources to those in need. This includes free therapy sessions and other assistance.

Final Thoughts

The tragic deaths of Victoria Lee and near loss of Angela Lee highlight the pressing need for open discussion of mental health struggles. Angela’s courage to share her painful story and commitment to providing help through Fightstory are inspiring next steps.

She wants to spread the message that there is strength in being vulnerable and seeking assistance. Angela ends the heartfelt post with a call for compassion:

“For those who are struggling, know that you are not alone. We are all fighting battles inside that not everyone can see on the outside.”

If you or a loved one are facing mental health challenges, please seek help through organizations like Fightstory. There is always hope, even in our darkest moments.

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